Saturday, May 4, 2013

Quick black bean dinner

We love our black beans. They are cheap and packed with protein. Here is a quick post with one of our fave ways to eat them. It's black beans and corn over rice. If you have canned on hand it makes it a super quick meal. 

All mixed up 

You guys have any fave black bean recipes? I'm always looking for more! 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Strawberries and Mint

It happens to the best of us. We buy strawberries, we plan to eat them before they turn bad and *poof* they start getting furry and smooshy. It can happen so fast! I hate throwing out food, especially strawberries which are one of the tastiest things on earth. So what do you do with strawberries that are not perfect, but not yet totally beyond hope?

One of my favorite things to do is to slice them and sprinkle a bit of sugar over them. Slicing them lets me cut off the iffy bits, and the sugar softens the berries and makes an amazing syrup on the bottom of the bowl. I decided to be fancy this time and chop up a bit of mint to mix in.


Well almost. It was really missing ice cream. But it was still really yummy!